Obtain API Tokens in Flow Forms

API tokens are displayed only once and can not be recovered. Be sure to save it in a safe place.

Step 1: Login to Flow Forms

Before you can obtain an API token, you must first login to Flow Forms. Your domain can found in the web browsers address bar.

Step 2: As an Administrator Navigate to Admin->Account

You must have administrator permissions to access or make changes to the account.

Step 3: Generate an API Token

Click the API Tokens button to generate a new token. Give your token a name and click on the "Generate New Token" button to show a new API token. The token will be displayed once, so make sure to copy it to a safe place.

Multiple tokens can be generated for use with different services.

Step 4: Use the API Token

Once you have obtained your API token, you can use it to access the Flow Forms API. Make sure to include the API token in your API requests by adding an "Authorization" header with the value "Bearer {your_api_token}".


Each API token is unique to your account and should be kept secret. If you believe your API token has been compromised, delete the compromised token and generate a new one by clicking on the "Generate New Token" button on your profile page.

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