Create A Form

  • From the home page
    • Click on Admin
    • Create a New Form
  • Enter a name for the form
  • On the left hand side click on a element to add to your form
  • Enter in the element name, this is required
  • You can make this field required by toggling the "Required" option when adding the form element


Text: Input for a small amount of text

Text Area: Input for a long format text entry

Checkbox: Choose from 1 or more options

Radio: Give the user listing of options, that they can select one from

Dropdown List: A pull down list of options where a single can be selected

Email: Input an email address

Date: Input a date using a calendar

Time: Input a time using a clock

File: Input that uploads a file

Group: Group multiple inputs together allowing for multiple rows to be collected

Signature: Collect a signature from the user

Calculated: Calculate a value based of the values of other field within the form

Notion: Display data from other submissions based upon a filter.

Payment: Collect credit card payments

Content Only Area: Used to display content. Such as extra information to help the user fill out the form. Things like paragraphs, links, bold text are available.

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